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1. Our Commitment to Privacy

This privacy policy explains how we use and protect any and all personal and customer information we hold, whether it relates to our customers, potential customers, job candidates, partners, or third party service providers.

This is the owner of this website:




63/66 Hatton Garden, Fifth Floor, Suite 23
London, EC1N 8LE, United Kingdom
+44 2045 771369
[email protected]


2. What we collect

We may collect the following information:

  • Name and job title
  • Business information including postal and billing addresses and website address
  • Contact information including email address and phone number
  • Banking details
  • Demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
  • Other information relevant to a project that we may supply a quote for or information relevant to managing a project that we are contracted to work with you on

We collect customer information for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To provide the service we have been contracted to provide
  • To maintain customer relationships, communicate with our customers, and avoid conflicts of interest
  • To understand customer requirements and make information available regarding products and services offered by us
  • To contact you in response to the communications you have directed at us
  • To manage and develop business and operations
  • To meet legal and regulatory requirements
  • To gauge website user interest and to enhance future website user experiences


3. Why do we process your information?

We will only collect and use your personal information in accordance with data protection laws. Our grounds for processing your personal information are as follows:

  • Consent: Where necessary we will only collect and process your personal information if you have consented for us to do so.
  • Legitimate Interests: We may use and process some of your personal information where we have sensible and legitimate business grounds for doing so. Under European privacy laws there is a concept of legitimate interests as a justification for processing your personal information.


4. Data Security and Integrity

Keeping information about you secure is very important to us so we store and process your personal information in accordance with the high standards required under data protection legislation. We only collect customer information as required to meet the purposes that we have identified. We strive to maintain customer information in as accurate, complete and up-to-date a form as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected.

To the best of our ability, access to customer information is limited to those who have a need to know. Those individuals who have access to the data are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information. We also make reasonable efforts to retain customer information only for so long as the information is necessary to comply with a customer request.

From time to time and for operational reasons the information we collect from you may be stored in countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). When we appoint our service providers to help us provide services to you, we take care to ensure that they have appropriate security measures in place.

We do our best to keep the information you disclose to us secure. However, security cannot be absolutely guaranteed against all threats. By using our service and website you accept the inherent risks of providing information online and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.


5. Cookies and our website

Our website does not use cookies, which are identifying technologies that your computer receives when you visit certain websites.


6. Changes to this policy

The Owner may modify this Privacy Statement from time to time to reflect our current privacy practices. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.